

The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin's Russia
一段被遺忘的非凡歷史 - 一個前所未聞的故事:美國人被工作和更好的生活的承諾引誘到蘇維埃俄羅斯,結果卻悲慘地結束了 1934 年,一張棒球隊的照片被拍了下來



436 頁,精裝

首次發佈於 2007 年 7 月 17 日

The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin's Russia

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A remarkable piece of forgotten history- the never-before-told story of Americans lured to Soviet Russia by the promise of jobs and better lives, only to meet tragic ends

In 1934, a photograph was taken of a baseball team. These two rows of young men look like any group of American ballplayers, except perhaps for the Russian lettering on their jerseys. The players have left their homeland and the Great Depression in search of a better life in Stalinist Russia, but instead they will meet tragic and, until now, forgotten fates. Within four years, most of them will be arrested alongside untold numbers of other Americans. Some will be executed. Others will be sent to "corrective labor" camps where they will be worked to death. This book is the story of lives-the forsaken who died and those who survived.

Based on groundbreaking research, The Forsaken is the story of Americans whose dreams were shattered and lives lost in Stalinist Russia.

436 pages, Hardcover

First published July 17, 2007




